A registration fee of $200 per family is due upon enrollment. Programs are offered based on availability. Email charlottedolansky@beacheschapel.com
if you have any questions about enrollment.
We are on a waitlist for our two-year-old 25/26 classes
BCP is a year round preschool.
Our enrollment opportunities are full day positions.
7:30am-5:30pm Monday - Friday
Current 2024-2025 Rates
Twos, and Threes Classes
Monday - Friday $250 per week
Mon/Wed/Fri - $150 per week
Fours "Wrap Around Care" while VPK is in session*
Monday-Friday $175 per week
(there is no cost associated with Free VPK)
*While VPK is not in session (during the summer months) please refer to the One, Two and Three year old rate schedule.
We offer a 10% sibling discount OR a 10% Military and First Responder discount